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Digital Qur'an


When scripture and Technology combined

by : Wahyu Taufiq

The idea about a digital Qur'an might be right. this gadget is made to answer many problems relateted to Moslems' needs based on the current condition. this invention was firstly inspired by the publication of some Qur'an recitation that is already available since long time a go in the from of cassettes and CD, and the digital technology makes it more sophisticated.
The digital Qur'an is introduced to complete the means of studying the Qur'an. This electronic device is able to present the entire verses of the Qur'an both in Arabic and the translation as well as its audio recitation. some of the brands are produced by South Korea, Malaysia, and even America.
Mostly, the authenticity of its Arabic verses and translations have been validated by so many institutions and countries. They are the Islamic Research Academy Al-Azhar Al Sharif, Egypt; Quality System from KFQ (Korean), Government of Dubai, Uni Arab Emirate Korea, Qatar, Syria, Kuwait, and the last the approval by the Ministry of Religions Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
By having this product, anyone is able to bring the Qur'an which can be read both in its Arabic and translation. People can also listen to its audio recitation wherever they go and whenever they have the time.
So, if you are currently studying to read and memorize the Qur'an, or when you are performing a hajj pilgrimage or umra, the Digital Qur'an is very helpful. More than that this Digital Qur'an can also be used as a special gift to someone you adore or fancily use as a wedding dowry.
As the lid, here are the details of some selected Digital Qur'an that might be helpful to decide which one suits you.


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1 komentar:
rinyuh mengatakan...
4 Februari 2009 pukul 15.41  

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

I'd like to inform you about Digital Qur'an [Quran, Koran] v3 by Sony Sugema, Indonesia.

It's a Windows application [98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista]. Once installed, you can see ayat written in Arabic, the translation [English or Bahasa Indonesia], and at the same time you can hear the sounds reading ayat. Also included an interactive multimedia for learning Tajwid [proper pronunciation during recitation].

It has features such as browsing and searching certain ayat, copying ayat as picture and exporting ayat to html.

There are 25 languages available to use during instalation, which are Afrikaans, Albanian, Basque, Bosnian, BrazilianPortuguese, Catalan, Danish, English, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Luxemburgish, Malaysian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish and Thai.

There's one unofficial site you may want to visit, http://digital-quran-v3.blogspot.com

This good software was originally developed by Mr. Sony Sugema, copyright belongs to him. You may reach him at http://www.sonysugema.com
