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Sejarah Perkembangan Mouse

Mouse merupakan salah satu perlengkapan komputer meskipun apabila tidak ada juga komputer masih bisa beroperasi, akan tetapi dengan menggunakan mouse maka kerja kita akan menjadi lebih cepat dan menghemat waktu, lebih cepat dan efisien. Maka tidak ada salahnya jika kita sedikit melihat sejarah perkembangan mouse itu sendiri.

Mouse pertama kali ditemukan oleh Douglas Engelbart dari stanford Research Insitute pada tahun 1963. Mouse adalah suatu alat yang terdiri dari beberapa alat penunjuk ( pointing device ) yang dikembangkan untuk oN Line System (NLS) milik Engelbard. Selain mouse yang awalnyya disebut "bug", juga dikembangkan beberapa alat deteksi gerakan tubuh lainnya yang diletakkan di kepala dan dagu. Karena kenyamanan dsalam penguunaannya, mouse dipilih dan dikembangkan. Mouse pertama yang diciptakan berukuran besar, dan menggunakan dua buah roda yang saling tegak lurus utnuk mendeteksi gerakan ke sumbu Xdan sumbu Y. Engelbart kemudian mematenkan nya pada 17 November 1970, dengan nama penunjuk posisi X-Y untuk sistem tampilan grafis (X-Y position Indicator For A Display System).
Pada waktu itu, sebetulnya Engelbart beraksud pengguna mouse dengan satu tangan secara terus menerus, sementara tangan yang lainnya mengperasikan alat seperti keyboard dengan lima tombol.
Perkembangan selanjutnya dilakukan oleh Bill English di Xerox PARC pada awal tahun 1970, yang menggunakan bola berputar kesegala arah, putaran tersebut dideteksi oleh roda-roda sensor didalam mouse tersebut. Pengembangan inilah yang melahirkan mouse tipe trackball, yaitu mouse terbalik dimana pengguna menggerakkan bola dengan jari.Pada tahun 1980 - 1990 Xerox mempopulerkan penggunaan keyboard QWERTY dengan dua tangan dan menggunakan mouse pada saat dibutukan saja. Mouse sekarang ini mengikuti desain Ecole Polytechnique federale de lausanne (EPFL) yang diinspirasikan oleh profesor Jean-Daniel Nicoud. Jenis yang paling akhir adalah mouse optic dan yang paling mudah dalam perawatannya serta penggunaannya. Mouse jenis ini tidak erlu dibersihkan pada bagian bolanya karena banyak nya debu yang menempel. Mouse optikal pertamakali dibuat oleh Steve Kirsch dari Mouse Systems Corporation. Mouse jenis ini menggunakan LED (Light emitting diode) dan photo dioda untuk mendeteksi gerakan mouse. Mouse optikal petamakali hanya dapat digunakan pada alas (mousepad) khusus yang berwarna metalik bergaris biru - abu-abu. Seiring perkembangan jaman mouse sekarang ini dapat digunakan disemua permukaan yang padat dan rata, kecuali permukaan yang memantulkan cahaya. Mouse saat ini bekerja dengan menggunakan sensor optik yang menggunakan LED sebagai sumber penerangan untuk mengambil beribu-ribu frame gambar selama mouse bergerak. Dan jenis mutakhir dari mouse adalah yang berteknologi laser, pertamakali diperkenalkan oleh logitech, perusahaan mouse terkemuka yang bekerja sama dengan Agilent Technologies pada tahun 2004, dengan nama logitech MX 1000. Logitech mengklaim bahwa mouse laser memiliki tingakt akurasi yang 20 kali lebih besar dari mouse optikal. Meskipun dasar kerja dari mouse optikal dengan mouse laser sama hanya berbeda pada laser pengganti LED. Meskipun begitu jenis mouse ini belum banyak dipergunakan diperkirakan harganya yang masih mahal.
Dari sekian banyaknya perkembangan dari awal sampai yang terakhir yang tidak berubah dari mouse adalah jumlah tombolnya. Semua mouse memiliki tombol satu sampai tiga buah. Mouse pertama memiliki satu tombol. Kebanyakan mouse saat ini, yang didesain oleh microsoft Windows, memiliki dua tombol. Beberapa mouse modernjuga memiliki sebuah wheel untuk memudahkan scrolling. Sementara Ael memperkenalkan mouse satu tombol, yang tidak berubah hingga kini. Mouse modern juga sudah banyak yang tanpa kabel, dengan menggunakan teknologi wireless seperti infra red, gelombang radio ataupun bluetooth. Mouse wireless yang populer saat ini menggunakan gelombang radio dan ataupun bluetooth. Sedangkan mouse yang menggunakan infrared kurang begitu populer karena jarak jangkaunya yang terbatas, selain itu juga kurang begitu praktis karena antara mouse dengan penerimanya tidak boleh ada penghalang.

Sumber : komputek


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Kalasan TEMPLE


Kalasan TEMPLE, located 50 meters south of Yogyakarta Road - Solo, precisely in Kalibening, Tirtomartani Village, Kalasan Sub-district, Sleman DIY.

Building the temple has 34 meters high, the length and width of 45 meters consists of three parts, namely the bottom of the feet or temple, the temple body and roof of the temple. Terbawah the foot of the temple is a temple that stood on a stone pedestal shaped square with a size of 45 meters and a width of shelf. In this section, there is a staircase entrance decorated with makara at the end of the stairs. Around the foot of the temple decoration, there are creepers that out of a vase or bowl.
Body-shaped temple square with some of that stick out in the middle sides. In the southeast there is a room that can be entered through the east side of the room. In the throne room is decorated pattern backed lion standing on the back of an animal elephant. On the outside body of the temple there is a niche decorated figures of deities in the standing position by holding lotus flower.
At each entrance, from the north and south, there are decoration days. At the crest there is a bud-bud decoration of flowers, leaves and creepers. Part of the decorated tree gods and painting the clouds with the plays that are coming sounds including bearer drums, fiddle, shellfish and camara. The roof of the temple there is a cube that is considered as the summit of Mount Semeru, there are several around the stupa.
Boundary between body and roof of the temple decoration found interest creature heaven which is a dwarf called gana. The roof of the temple this octagon-shaped and consist of two levels. On each side in the first level there is a statue of Buddha that depict the human Buddha and the level of two Yani depict Buddha. For example Yani Ratnasembawa the Buddha in the south. Bagiana likely peak form stupa, but not successfully reconstructed again because many stones have been lost.
Around the temple there is a high stupa with more than 4.60 and a total of 52 units. Stupa-stupa can not be rebuilt because of the many missing stones. Features of this temple is on the surface of the stone there is a layer called the Brajalepha.
Kalasan temple is the oldest relics of the Buddha in the areas of Yogyakarta and Central Java as offerings to the goddess Tara. Construction of the temple can be known from the inscription temple Saka 700 years or 778 CE article Penagari and article Sanskrit, which states that the establishment of this temple from the proposed teachers of the King and then successfully coax King Tejahpurna Parapkarana (Kariyana Panangkara), Mustika Family Syailendra (Syailendra Wangsatikala) , To construct a building for the holy dewatara and a monastery for the pendheta. Then the king presented the Village Kalasan to the monastery and 778 years old is considered as a Christian years of making Kalasan temple.


Sambisari Temple


Sambisari Temple found a chance when farmers are occupying the land Karyoinangun, suddenly hit hoe's engraved on the stone, that is the stone ruins of the temple. This discovery occurred in June 1966, and soon the news to the discovery of the branch office of the Board and the ancient Prambanan in the National Heritage (Heritage Night is now ancient history). The review and further research in the area is the certainty that these findings is the site of a temple and declared the region as a cultural haven. The position of the temple that is 6.5 meters from the surface of the land around it, is estimated to occur because the eruption of Mount Merapi buried.

Sambisari temple complex is located near the temple building another example Prambanan, Kalasan, Sari and others. Location Sambisari temple about 5 km away from the Prambanan temple complex towards the west, or about 14 km from the city center to the east. Sambisari temple is a Hindu temple Serious Syiwaistis from century to the family of X-Syailendra is in the area of the district of Sleman Yogyakarta province. While digging the temple complex Sambisari also found objects other historical, such as jewelry, pottery, gold inscription plate.
From discovery obtainable is estimated that the temple was built years Sambisari 812-838 F during the government of King Rakai Garung from the Hindu Kingdom of Mataram (Mataram Ancient). Conditions temple complex Sambisari three very clean and many tourists and local, domestic and foreign many coming visit and become a cultural package tour with visits to other temples in the complex surroundings, especially the Prambanan temple is more famous.
Sambisari temple is a monument consisting of a temple and three ancillary temples in the future. The temple facing towards the West scheme a square with the size of 13.65 m x 13.65 m with a height of 7.5 m. It is interesting from Cadi Smabisari that there is no actual foot temple, so that the joint work as well as the foot of the temple. On the wall outside the body of the temple, there are niche-niche, there are over the usual ornaments. Each niche by Goddess Durga (north), Ganesa (east) and Agastya (south). Meanwhile, in the right-left entrance of the temple there is room for two niche deities doorman namely, the Mahakala and Nandiswara, unfortunately, the two statues are now no longer be received. In the room in the temple, there is Yoni animal with a dragon decoration on the ceratnya and a commemorative section on the top.
Three ancillary temples that are in front of the temple Sambisari size of 4.9 m x 4.8 m for the middle, while perwara north and south of the size of 4.8 m x 4.8 m. Third ancillary temples does not have the body and roof, there are only a foot fence and balustrade at the top. Sambisari temple complex is surrounded by a whole fence of the white stone the size of 50m x 48m. On each side of the fence there is the entrance on the north but will be closed.
Roads leading to the location of the temple complex can be passed by all types of vehicles, but there has been no public vehicles which pass through this place so that by motorbike taxis or gig / "delman" (in java language) about 2 km from the edge of the road Yogya-Solo. To reach the location of the temple, can be reached by bus ride majors Yogya-Solo until 10 kilometers where the street toward the temple.




Beautiful Hindu temple in the World

Prambanan is the extraordinary beautiful buildings built in the 10-century to the government two princes, Rakai and lure Rakai Balitung. Tower at 47 meters (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the temple has been the desire to meet the author, shows the triumph of Hindus in the land of Java. This temple is located 17 kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta, in the middle area that is now built beautiful gardens.
There is a legend that Javanese people always told about this temple. Alkisah, a man called Bandung Bondowoso loved Roro Jonggrang. Not because of love, Jonggrang ask Bondowoso make temple in 1000 with the statue in the night. The request was fulfilled almost before Jonggrang ask villagers pound of rice and create a large fire in order to form such as the atmosphere morning. Speed can make a new statue and 999 condemns Jonggrang a statue to the feel-1000 because deceitful ed.
Prambanan temple has 3 major in the main page, the Temple Vishnu, Brahma, and Siwa. The three temples are symbols of Trimurti in Hindu belief. All of them face to the east. Each main temple has a temple facing the west, namely Nandini for Siwa, Angsa to Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. Besides, there are 2 temples wedge, 4 temple curtain, and the 4 corners of the temple. Meanwhile, a second page has 224 temples.
Siwa to enter the temple, located in the middle of the building and the most high, you will find the room 4. One main room contains a statue Siwa, while the other 3 rooms each contains a statue Durga (the wife of Siwa), Agastya (Siwa teachers), and Ganesha (the son of Siwa). Durga statue that have been used as the statue in the legend Roro Jonggrang is told above.
Vishnu in the temple, located in the north of Siwa temple, you will only see one room contains a statue of Vishnu. Similarly Brahma Temple, located in the south of Siwa Temple, you will only find one room contains a statue Brahma.
Temple facing quite enthralling Garuda temple is located near the temple Vishnu. This temple save the story of her half-human bird called the Garuda. Garuda is a mystical bird in Hindu mythology is well-gold, a certain kind of face is white, red-winged, beaked and winged eagle-like. Estimated, the figure is Hindu adaptation on her Bennu (means' up 'or' shining ', usually associated with the god Re) in the Ancient Egyptian mythology or Phoenix in the Ancient Greek mythology. Garuda can save his mother from the curse of Aruna (Garuda sister who was born disabled) with a steal Amerta Tirta (holy water of the gods).
The ability to save it be admired by many people until now and is used for a variety of interests. Indonesian use the symbol for the country. Perhaps, the creator of the symbol of Garuda Pancasila find inspiration in this temple. Other countries that also use the symbol for the country is Thailand, with the same reasons, but the form of adaptation and appearance different. In Thailand, Garuda is known by the term or Krut Pha Krut.
Prambanan temple is also a relief that the Ramayana story. According to experts, relief is similar to the Ramayana story is revealed through the oral tradition. Relief in the Kalpataru tree is interesting that in Hindu religion is seen as the tree of life, environmental preservation and harmony. In the Prambanan, relief Kalpataru trees flank the lion depicted. The existence of this tree makes experts consider that the century-9 has a wisdom in managing the environment.
Same as figure Garuda, Kalpataru is now also used for a variety of interests. In Indonesia, Kalpataru Wahana become the symbol of the Environment (Walhi). In fact, some scientists in Bali to develop the concept of Tri Hita Karana for conservation with the view Kalpataru relief in this temple. Tree of life that can also be found on the gunungan used to open the puppet arts. A proof that there is relief that the world has been in Prambanan.
If careful, you can also see various birds relief, this time it is real. Reliefs at Prambanan birds so natural, so the biolog can even identify to the genus level. One relief Jambul Yellow cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea), which invited questions. The reason, it was only found in the Masakambing Island, an island in the central Java Sea. Then, if the first type are used in Yogyakarta? Please find out the answer himself. For, until now there has not been even one person who can solve the mystery.
Well, there are many more that can be extracted at Prambanan. You certainly should not be fed. If it is eventually tired, you can relax in the garden around the temple. Interested? Come soon. Since 18 September 2006, you can enter the zone 1 Prambanan although not into the temple. Some of the damage the earthquake 27 May 2006 is now being repaired.